Scotland's Sustainable Development Goals Network
SDG Network Scotland

New timetable for Scotland’s SDG Network Meetings

Scotland was one of the first nations to sign up to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and Scotland has a good history of policy and action in relation to sustainability issues. There is widespread desire across sectors to respond constructively to the challenge of the SDGs and to use the opportunity to embed and pursue sustainability. However, the initial enthusiasm, existing expertise and relevant examples of good practice in relation to sustainability had to be brought together. The SDG Network was thus formed and is an open coalition of those individuals and organisations with an interest in pursuing the SDGs.

The Network aspires to build awareness and engagement across civil society and with elements of the private and public sectors. Secondly, the Network, where possible, will support the implementation of the SDGs in Scotland. Thirdly, the Network aims to ensure that the voice of those committed to sustainability is heard by key decision makers. The Network members represent different perspectives and the Network offers a powerful vehicle to develop messages through consensus to facilitate coordinated and collaborative work with regard to these aims.

Below you can also find a schedule for future SDG Scotland Monthly Network Meetings up to November 2018.

How Network meetings work

Meetings of the SDG Network take place on a monthly basis, and are facilitated by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO). The Network coordinator is Paul Bradley (

Online Meetings: When it’s time, join the meeting from the relevant Zoom meeting link you will receive when you register to attend. You do not need to create an account and you can sign in as a guest. You can set up a free account in advance if you wish. If you have any problems (old software etc.), or would like to dial in via phone, you can dial into the meeting by calling the number provided when you register and using the meeting number access code.

Physical Meetings: All face-to-face meetings last longer than online meetings and provide an opportunity for attendees to network with those in the room. The default location for these meetings are SCVO offices in Edinburgh, but we are looking for volunteers that have large enough spaces to host one of these meetings. Please get in touch.

Meeting chairs: The SDG Scotland Network rotates the role of chair each meeting. If you would like to chair a meeting then please get in touch.

Meeting themes: The Network also has specific themes for each of the meetings it holds. Again, if you would like to suggest a theme (e.g. economy and the SDGs), then please get in touch.

Network Meetings Timetable

Date Start Time End Time Location Registration
23-Apr-18 3pm 4pm Zoom Online Register now
21-May-18 2pm 4:30pm Mansfield Traquair Centre, Edinburgh
21-Jun-18 3pm 4pm Zoom online
16-Jul-18 3pm 4pm Zoom Online
13-Aug-18 2pm 4:30pm Mansfield Traquair Centre, Edinburgh
10-Sep-18 3pm 4pm Zoom Online
15-Oct-18 3pm 4pm Zoom Online
12-Nov-18 2pm 4:30pm Mansfield Traquair Centre, Edinburgh

Contact Paul Bradley, Network Coordinator, for more information. Email:

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