Scottish Government
A guide to outcomes focused policy making
A new guide for Scottish policy makers launched in January 2021, created by government and civil society
Visit Guide
Scotland's National Performance Framework
The refreshed Scottish National Performance Framework (NPF) is aligned to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Visit Performance FrameworkScottish Business
Stories and ratings of business in Scotland and the UK
Support the Goals shares the stories and journeys of businesses supporting the SDGs
Visit Support the Goals
Scottish Business Pledge
The Business Pledge aims for a fairer Scotland through more equality, opportunity and innovation in business
Visit Business PledgeBusiness as a force for good with Scotland CAN B
Learn about the mindsets, frameworks, and tools needed to better measure and manage business SDG impact
Visit Scotland CAN B
National Conversation on Investing for the Global Goals
Information about the National Conversation and how you can get involved in supporting the Global Goals
Visit UK Government SiteUK Government

UK Voluntary National Review
As part of Agenda 2030, the UK is reviewing its progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals
Visit review
UK data for SDG indicators
Visit each goal for UK statistics for Sustainable Development Goal indicators.
Visit ONS resourceOther
Policy coherence for sustainable development wiki
An editable wiki resource for individuals and organisations interested in improving policy coherence in Scotland.
Visit Wiki
Bridge 47 in Scotland
Ensuring the essential role of Global Citizenship Education in delivering the SDGs
Visit Bridge 47Activities for Scouts and Guides
17 global citizenship activities to explore the 17 Global Goals from scotdec
Visit scotdec resource
UN Guide to saving the world
Tips on what all of us can do to help achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals
Visit UN resource
SDGs Flashcards
The SDGs Flashcards from Gaia Education seek to raise awareness of the SDGs among local and national actors.
Visit Gaia resource
SDG Explorer
A global database of experts, projects, commentary, and publications organised by SDG
Visit UNU resource
Bridge 47 in Scotland
Ensuring the essential role of Global Citizenship Education in delivering the SDGs
Visit Bridge 47
Free the Change
Free The Change comprises a simple framework for groups, useful tools and a supportive network - to unlock powerful conversations and social change.
Visit Free the Change resource