Scotland's Sustainable Development Goals Network

SDG Network Scotland

Interim Steering Space 2020

Between January and September 2020, several members of the network stepped forward to join an interim steering space to focus minds, reflect on progress, and to help develop the network further. The network has always been a loose and unstructured coalition - which worked for many years - but our growing membership required something more structured that would support broader participation. 

Given that the network currently receives no funding, and has not done so since January 2019, a key aim was to streamline network activities where possible to make the best use of time. The interim steering group worked with the coordinator to ensure the network would be sustainable and remain a useful and active space for its growing membership.  

The group met monthly, and any member could join. Participants included:

  • Lynn Wilson (Facilitator)
  • Paul Bradley, SCVO (Network Coordinator)
  • Lewis Ryder-Jones, Scotland's International Development Alliance
  • Jean Ferguson 
  • Alison Hosie, Scottish Human Rights Commission 
  • Rehema White, Learning for Sustainability Scotland
  • Alec Werson, Glasgow Caledonian University
  • Angelika Majdanik, Scottish Government
  • Anna Valeria Luciani, Quality Scotland
  • Catherine Gee, Keep Scotland Beautiful 
  • Wendy Wu, Edinburgh Napier University
  • Katriona Lundberg, SEPA
  • May East, Gaia Education
  • Mirren Kelly, COSLA
  • Tanya Wisely, IDEAS

The final meeting took place in September 2020, where a plan for more formal arrangements was agreed and presented to the network. In October 2020, a new steering group was elected by members of the network. 

All agendas, notes, and papers from the interim steering group can be found here

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