Scotland's Sustainable Development Goals Network
SDG Network Scotland

SDG Network Meeting: 11th June 2018

This meeting has been postponed due to a clash with the Scottish Government’s conference on the National Performance Framework and SDGs. The session will be rearranged.

SDG Network YOYP

The next meeting of Scotland’s Sustainable Development Goals Network will take place in Edinburgh at Mansfield Traquair Centre on Monday, June 11th, at 2:30 pm and will last for 2 hours.

The meeting is open for anyone to join and the agenda will be posted here Thursday 7th June. This will be a special session with Year of Young People representatives Joel Meekison and Amy Gadhia joining us, looking at their perspectives on the role of young people in securing progress towards the SDGs and what they have been undertaking with the SDGs locally and nationally.

Please register by emailing the Network Coordinator, Paul Bradley (

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