This article was originally posted by Third Force News
MSPs pledged to support the world’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals at both home and abroad during a recent Scottish Malawi Partnership campaign.
Nearly 100 MSPs have pledged their support for the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at an exhibition in the Scottish Parliament.
The exhibition, Scotland, Malawi and the Global Goals, created by the Scotland Malawi Partnership (SMP), aims to increase awareness of the SDGs across Scotland.
The First Minister, all the party leaders, the Presiding Officer and the Deputy Presiding Officers, most of the Scottish Government’s cabinet secretaries and ministers, and almost 100 MSPs visited the Garden Lobby exhibition and recorded videos pledging support to one of these 17 global goals.
Scotland was amongst the first to sign up to the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals when they were launched in 2015.
Each of Scotland’s major political parties has committed to the delivery of these goals which will fight inequality, poverty and climate change in every country over the next 15 years.
Scotland has committed to delivering these 17 Global Goals both domestically and internationally, including through its longstanding friendship with Malawi.
David Hope-Jones OBE, chief executive of the Scotland Malawi Partnership, said: “It’s inspiring to see more and more communities across Scotland becoming involved in the SDGs in Scotland.
“An estimated 46% of Scots personally know someone with a Malawi link. This is a unique whole-nation effort: an example of civic activism and partnership which has gathered significant interest in the UN as the Global Goals have really taken off.
“We’re thrilled to see so many of Scotland’s MSPs come out to support the SDGs and Scotland’s historic partnership with Malawi.”
Before appearing at the parliament, the SMP exhibition had been touring the country, displayed in more than 50 organisations and visited by more than 10,000 Scots.
It was hosted at the Scottish Parliament by Liam McArthur MSP.