Scotland's Sustainable Development Goals Network
SDG Network Scotland

Register to join Network workshop: Shaping our community together

Together, members of SDG Network Scotland have helped mobilise people and organisations to take membership of the network to more than 230 organisations and people. Through collaborating on briefings, letters and events, the network has secured a commitment to the SDGs from the Convenors of all Scottish Parliamentary Committees and the First Minister committed her Government to work with us.

In recent months, SDG Network Scotland has been joined by local and national government, and we submitted evidence to the UK Parliament’s IDC inquiry into SDG progress. Our working group on the Voluntary National Review on SDG progress has sought to use open tools and approaches, with the aim of securing a partnership approach between the Scottish Government, civil society and other major stakeholders.

The future 

This workshop will help us to better understand and plan for how we maintain momentum, build on what’s been set up and bring in some new ways of working that provide ownership, shared responsibility and inclusive space to ensure we’re as prepared and agile as possible.

We are suggesting that the workshop covers the following areas to inform the development of clear terms of reference for SDG Network Scotland:

  1. Why, what and how we create value and impact
    • Our purpose (why we exist)
    • Our mission (how do we achieve it)
    • Our vision (what do we expect to achieve)
  2. Our membership
  3. Our principles
  4. Our structure
  5. How we make decisions

The workshop will be just one of many opportunities to shape the network and we will be planning online activities to reach out to members across Scotland. We will also look into adding online functionality for remote users to join the workshop.

Next steps

There are two possible next steps for members of SDG Network Scotland:

Join our planning session 

We will be holding an online planning session at 10 am on 19th February to build the agenda for the workshop. If this is something you would like to participate in, you can register to join here.

Register to attend the workshop

We will be holding the workshop at Hayweight House in Edinburgh on 20th March from 12:30 – 4:30 pm to co-create the next stages of developing Scotland’s SDG Network; from purpose and organisation to activities and membership. Please register using the online form

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