There’s just over two weeks left to help shape the future of Scotland’s food system. As a member of the Scottish Food Coalition, Nourish has been taking part in and promoting Kitchen Table Talks.
Make sure the food justice issues you care about are represented before the 15 April.
All you have to do is tell us your top 5 priorities and concerns for food in Scotland. We’ll put these views to the Scottish Government as they’re developing a new food law: the Good Food Nation Bill.
What’s important to you?
We have plenty of land in Scotland, and plenty of sea, and plenty of skilled people, scientists and innovators. There’s no reason why we shouldn’t have plenty of good food for everyone!
Yet the reality is our food system is not working: food banks are on the rise, as well as diet-related diseases, while workers in the food sector – including many farmers – are poorly paid with insecure jobs, intensive farming systems compromise wildlife and animal welfare, and contribute to climate change.
The Good Food Nation Bill is a once in a generation opportunity to transform the way we do food in Scotland – making it fairer, healthier and more sustainable.
What are you top 5 priorities and concerns?
Senior Government officials are meeting next week to look at the consultation, over 300 people have taken part in Talks so far – make sure the food justice issues you care about are represented.
We all have a stake in the future of our food system, sign up to our Thunderclap to spread the word.
By Elli Kontorravdis of Nourish Scotland